Our Team

Winston Lee - Piano Teacher - Owner

Winston Lee began studying piano at age seven. By age nine he became the youngest to ever win the Utah Valley Symphony Concerto Competition and performed Mozart’s 19th Piano Concerto with the Utah Valley Symphony. He spent a large part of his youth competing in various states. Winston taught Orchestra at Rocky Mountain Middle School for seventeen years. For fun, he performs regularly with an eighties tribute band and is also a member of a retro 70’s rock band, Bay of Pigs, currently performing “Pleasant Grove Rock Opera”. Lee studied classical piano with Dr. Pollei of B.Y.U. and Professor Amano of Utah State. He believes that all students will benefit from studying music. Winston enjoys teaching all levels of piano students.

Russ Lee - Guitar Teacher - School of Rock

Russ Lee is a diverse teacher who enjoys incorporating music theory into the songs that he teaches. An experienced musician, he has recorded his own music, performed in original bands as guitarist and vocalist, and produced and recorded various local bands. Russ currently performs in an eighties tribute band. He teaches the Lee Music School of Rock classes, developing young musicians into confident performers. Russ has taught guitar at Lee Music since we opened our door in 2000. He is a valued teacher at Lee Music and is also the artist responsible for most of our ceiling art.

Rick Thornburgh - Guitar Teacher

Rick Thornburgh has been a teacher at Lee Music for over two decades. His students have excelled and gone on to create their own bands as well as become recording artists. Rick is an extremely talented and skilled musician, able to perform difficult guitar solos with perfection. He currently performs with an eighties tribute band as well as continually hones in on his technical skills by learning guitar solos for fun. Rick is a valued teacher at Lee Music and we hope to keep him for many more years.

Jaime Jespersen - Drum Teacher

Jaime Jespersen provides students the technique and rhythm-reading knowledge knowledge that they will need to succeed as versatile drummers and percussionists. He has an extensive performance background. Jaime is currently recording and performing “Pleasant Grove Rock Opera” with the retro 70’s rock band, Bay of Pigs. He has been teaching at Lee Music for over two decades. Lee Music appreciates the dedication Jaime has shown to his students and to our entire team.

Luke Dillon - Drum Teacher

Luke Dillon has taught at Lee Music since February, 2022. He believes that “drums are important - that’s why God put one in your chest” (at least that’s been Luke’s excuse for tapping on the dinner table his whole life). He has collaborated on many projects here in the Rocky Mountains as well as the coastal Northeast. Luke fosters his students’ passion for music while incorporating transcription, contemporary technique, and application. Luke’s students are lucky to have such a fun and skilled teacher. We are happy to have Luke as a teacher at Lee Music.

Aiden Swenson - Drum Teacher

Aiden Swenson has been playing the drums since he was eight years old. He has consistently participated in the Lee Music School of Rock since 2013, gaining experience rehearsing and performing with live bands. He also loves singing and playing keyboards as needed for performances. Aiden started teaching drums at Lee Music in January of 2023. His students have built a rapport with him while improving their skills. Aiden is a valued part of our team at Lee Music.

Janice Vincent - Violin Teacher

Janice Vincent, currently the orchestra teacher at Wasatch High School and Timpanogos Middle School, began her music career while a violin performance major at BYU, as a freelance studio and orchestral violinist. Over the years, she has been musically active in Washington, Virginia, and Utah, teaching private lessons and performing in numerous symphony, ballet, and opera productions and many studio recording projects, as well as giving recitals both as soloist and ensemble member. Janice finds immense satisfaction in helping young people discover the joy of making music. Over the years, Lee Music has been fortunate that Janice puts aside time in her busy schedule to teach at our studios.

Maeva Marchione - Violin/Viola Teacher

Maeva Marchioe has been playing the viola since age nine. She has competed in State Solo and Ensemble twice and qualified for a state solo. She was also given the Award of Excellence for music composition from National PTA Reflections in 2017-2018. She has also been a player in the local community orchestra, Heber Valley Orchestra, since 2018. Maeva has taught at Lee Music since 2023. She is much appreciated at Lee Music for her kind disposition and the way she treats her students.

Lilly Lovett - Violin Teacher

Lilly Lovett has been playing the violin ever since she joined an orchestra in sixth grade and has enjoyed every minute! She currently plays in the Wasatch High Chamber Orchestra and received superior ratings at the State Solo and Ensemble Region Festival. She also participated in the Lyceum Music Festivals as the first chair of Symphonic Strings as well as the highest-level Festival Orchestra. Lilly is extremely passionate about the violin and deeply appreciates music. She is constantly looking for new opportunities to improve her performance abilities and appreciates helping others learn to love music as much as she does. Lilly has been a teacher at Lee Music since 2022. She has proven to be an effective teacher.

Jackson Phillips - Bass Teacher

Jackson Phillips loves playing bass! He has developed several different techniques (slap bass is his favorite) and finds much inspiration from Flee of Red Hot Chili Peppers. Jackson has always been drawn to music. He played cello at Rocky Mountain Middle School and then at Wasatch High School. He auditioned and was accepted into the chamber group. Jackson has played bass for multiple bands in the Lee Music School of Rock program. Jackson is a fun spirit to have at Lee Music!

Emmett Olson - Cello Teacher

Emmett Olson is the principal cellist for the Wasatch High School Orchestra. He studied classical cello with Marcos Rangel and has been studying under Janice Vincent at Timpanogos Middle School and Wasatch High School for over six years. Emmett has excelled in Solo and Ensemble Festivals. He is also well versed in piano and enjoys composing for cello, piano, and guitar. He is often writing songs for his band Stereo. Emmett has been a great addition to our team at Lee Music. He is patient and fun with kids of all ages.

Gentry Biggs - Guitar Teacher

Gentry Biggs started studying guitar with Russ Lee of Lee Music at the age of ten. He is proficient at acoustic and electric guitar. Gentry has been a member of the Lee Music School of Rock program for over six years, performing drums, guitar, bass, and vocals. He is an excellent performer. Gentry will prove to be a patient and kind teacher. We are excited for his first year of teaching here at Lee Music!

Rhys Moore - Piano Teacher

Rhys Moore has been studying the piano since the age of six. He has competed at the Heber Valley Piano Festival throughout his youth and earned the Outstanding Musician Award seven of the ten years he competed. Along with piano, he began violin at age eleven and won the state competition with the Wasatch High School Orchestra. Rhys also learned ukulele and guitar in high school. He writes and records his own music. Rhys has been a teacher at Lee Music since 2022. His students enjoy learning from him and he is always very welcoming to them. Rhys is currently completing a degree in Pedagogy from UVU in Orem. Lee Music appreciates the drive and inspiration he brings to his teaching.

AJ Madsen - Piano Teacher

AJ Madsen started teaching at Lee Music in March of 2024. AJ, a native of Kansas, moved to Utah in 2018 after serving an LDS mission in Ogden. He began his piano training at age eight. AJ’s teacher in Kansas taught him piano pedagogy through creating a student teacher program as part of his instruction when he was thirteen. He continued his student teaching until the age of eighteen. Thanks to his excellent piano teacher in Kansas, AJ came to Lee Music well prepared to teach our piano students. Throughout high school, AJ participated in regional and state music festivals, performing piano solos and receiving high scores and accolades from the judges. One of the newest members to our team here at Lee Music, AJ is proving to be a great asset to our teaching staff.

Alison Samuels - Flute and Piano Teacher

Alison Samuels brings to Lee Music a wealth of musical accomplishments and educational expertise. She is a master at the flute and has performed extensively as a soloist, in chamber groups, as well as orchestral settings. She, along with her husband, Eric Samuels, founded the Utah Music Festival and School, which included private lessons, masterclasses, chamber music, and orchestral performances. Alison’s impressive educational history with the flute includes Julius Baker, Sam Baron, Albert Tipton, and Brad Garner, all internationally-respected teachers. She received a B.A. from SUNY Stony Brook and a M.M. from the Manhattan School of Music. She taught and performed for eighteen seasons at the Utah Music Festival and School and has taught on the faculties of Nyack (NY) College, Hackley Private School (NY), and Weilenmann School of Discovery. Alison is first and foremost an expert flute player and instructor, although with her life-long dedication to music education, she is also able to teach piano proficiently.